However, it’s arguably better to come up with your keywords using the strategy we went through earlier. When typing in your keywords, it’s important that you pay attention to ‘Match Types.’ Match Types influence the ‘kind of keywords’ that triggers your ad. If you pick ‘Exact match,’ your ad will… Read more
Google AdWords – Setup for Success by Ed Keay-Smith of Online Impact 2
This tool let’s you know what keywords people are typing into Google in relation to a specific topic. It also let’s you know which keywords cost the most ‘per click,’ and how much competition there is too. Note: The keywords that cost the most tend to let you know which… Read more
Google AdWords – Setup for Success by Ed Keay-Smith of Online Impact 1
Google AdWords Search Campaigns have been and still are one of the fastest ways available to get traffic to your website or landing page. Have you ever wanted to set up a Google Search Campaign, but weren’t sure how? Then this article will help get you started. I think you’ll… Read more
A 9 Point Checklist to Consider to Boost Your Web Copy
Leading line This calls out your targeted clients and generates interest for your main heading. Headline As discussed, this is the most powerful part of your advertisement. Spend a good deal of your time getting the headline right. Sub headlines Many people will skim through an advertisement or sales letter.… Read more
How Any Mortgage Broker Can Generate Extra Leads via Scientific Advertising 3
The Headline: Make no bones about it, the success or failure of your entire advertising process may be determined by what is said in the headline of your advertisement. Let me explain why. Your headline is like ‘an ad for your ad’ – if people don’t read it they won’t… Read more
How Any Mortgage Broker Can Generate Extra Leads via Scientific Advertising 2
The three most powerful elements that will ‘make’ or ‘break’ the success of your advertising. It doesn’t matter which medium you advertise in, there are things that whisper – like background colour and font for example. And there are things that scream, including these 3 elements. The Medium: When you… Read more
How Any Mortgage Broker Can Generate Extra Leads via Scientific Advertising 1
How Any Mortgage Broker Can Generate Extra Leads via Scientific Advertising By Scott Bywater, Leading Copywriter and Advertising Expert Most mortgage brokers waste thousands of dollars on advertising because they don’t understand the definition of advertising. Let me tell you a story about something that happened in 1904… Albert Lasker was… Read more
Discover Why Creating Trust Is The Secret To Generating New Sales Opportunities In The New Economy 4
Never chase prospects. Instead, get to the truth of whether there’s a fit or not. Chasing prospects has always been considered normal and necessary, but it’s rooted in the macho selling image that “If you don’t keep chasing, you’re giving up, which means you’re a failure.” This is dead wrong.… Read more