• Leading line

This calls out your targeted clients and generates interest for your main heading.

  • Headline

As discussed, this is the most powerful part of your advertisement. Spend a good deal of your time getting the headline right.

  • Sub headlines

Many people will skim through an advertisement or sales letter. Sub headlines grab the reader’s interest and keep them reading. Break up your copy with them to keep your readers attention.

  • The first paragraph

This is the area where you either lose your reader’s interest or hold it. Hundreds of thousands of people have bounced out of web sites – unread – simply because of poorly thought out opening paragraphs.

  • Testimonials

When you say it people will doubt it… but when your customers say it, it becomes believable. If you have any doubt about the power of testimonials, spend an evening watching a few late night infomercials.

In many cases, advertisers have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars producing and televising these ads, which are choc full of testimonials. Testimonials give your business credibility, they prove your claims and generate TRUST – which is what sales is all about.

  • Benefits

You need to show your prospective clients how their life will be improved by using your product or service. The most important thing I need to point out here is that features are NOT benefits. Let me give you an example.

Have you ever gone to purchase a computer only to have a salesperson bombard you with facts about RAM, ROM and Gigabytes? Well, they are explaining the features. This is the number one mistake that many business owners and salespeople make, in their advertising and in person.

You want to explain the benefits. For example:

  • It will save you time.
  • It will go faster.
  • It will allow you to store more of your important documents.

Talk in benefits to your customers if you want more sales. i.e. I will save you money on your home loan and help you pay it off faster… so you can retire earlier and spend more time on holidays with your family.

  • Offer

As discussed earlier, make your offer strong. Let your prospects know why they should pick up the phone and call you now. and exactly what they will receive for doing so.

  • Closing the sale

Advertising is salesmanship in print. And just like sales, if you fail to close the sale you won’t get the order. On a mortgage broking web site it may be as simple as asking them to fill out an expression of interest form.

  • P.S.

Statistics have proven many people will skip through an entire letter and then read the Post Script at the end of it. So what does this tell you? Make your P.S. as powerful as you possibly can – even on your web site. Restate offers and your greatest benefits. This can hook potential customers into reading the rest of your copy.

Do you want to learn the easiest way to get more leads for your mortgage broking business? Scott Bywater has just completed a series of advertising cheat sheets which walk you through his process step-by-step, all outlined so it’s as easy as 1,2,3.

Download it for free by visiting: http://adcheatsheets.com/trk/MortgageAustralia Or to find out more about Scott and see hundreds of articles about advertising, visit http://www.scottbywater.com