Why Post Sales Marketing is perfect for Brokers 4

Personalise It “Powerful advertising is anticipated, personal, and relevant.” – Seth Godin Your clients expect to receive generic ‘warehouse’ marketing. If you have segmented it as I have discussed above, you are well ahead of the pack as you are telling your clients you know about them specifically. To make it… Read more

Why Post Sales Marketing is perfect for Brokers 3

Segment It “The key ingredient to a better content experience is relevance” – Jason Miller Through the process of doing the client’s loan, storing and updating their details in our CRM, we are able to categorise and re-categorise them into different market segments to better target our marketing. We know the… Read more

Why Post Sales Marketing is perfect for Brokers 2

Use Your CRM for Customer Relationship Management “Marketing’s future lies in database marketing where we know enough about each customer to make relevant and customised offers to each.” – Philip Kottler Yes, I know that CRM stands for ‘Customer Relationship Management’. In my experience, though, most Brokers use their CRM’s to… Read more

Why Post Sales Marketing is perfect for Brokers 1

“The only asset that can be kept safe from every threat and made to appreciate in value year after year is the relationship you have with your customers.” – Dan Kennedy I’d go so far as to say that any business that has a trailing or recurring income from its clients… Read more

How do your campaigns look?

Your company brand/logo Your business name and photo We handle your unsubscribes and notify you of your emails that bounce Personalised to individual customers All your contact and mailing details Your compliance details and functionality all taken care of To my mind, SMART is like having an automatic reticulation system… Read more

The cost of not having Post Sales Marketing

“It is a grave mistake to be overly attentive to getting new customers and neglectful of marketing to and nurturing relationships with existing customers” – Dan Kennedy Achieving the potential lifetime value of a customer is why we invest in Post-Sales Marketing. Doing anything else is throwing money away. It… Read more

The Four Goals of Post Sales Marketing 2

Maintain the customer and protect your trails Getting past the clawback period is just the beginning. Your Post Sales Marketing also has the goal of ring-fencing your client so other Brokers stand less chance of poaching them from you. Just because you have done a loan for that person in… Read more

The Four Goals of Post Sales Marketing 1

“The astute business owner understands that the purpose of a sale is to generate a customer. The lousy business owner thinks that the purpose of a customer is to generate a sale. One lasts much longer and has much more fun than the other.” – Dan Kennedy Mortgage Brokers that are… Read more