Here is the list again of marketing methods used by high growth firms, in order from most effective to least.
  1. Partnership Marketing
  2. Downloadable Educational Content
  3. Speaking Engagements
  4. Outbound Phone Marketing
  5. Webinars
  6. Website
  7. Conferences, Trade Shows and Networking Events
  8. Online Advertising
  9. Email Marketing
  10. Blogging
Today I’ll discuss how my marketing systems will make any webinar more effective.
A webinar is ultimately an online seminar, so the same benefits I spoke about for speaking engagements apply here.
You can use ‘The 7 Easy Steps to Mortgage Freedom’ to attract and lock your attendees in (give them a free copy at the end). Not to mention giving you a lot of potential content and things to talk about in the first place.
There are even systems for pre-recording webinars so you don’t have to even give the webinar live at all and just leave it running on autopilot as a constant lead generating system.
Get all of the webinar attendees on your follow-up email system that I provide to you to convert as many of them as possible over time. Don’t have a leaky bucket where people attend your webinar and then forget about you months later when they finally decide to take action!
An advertisement of you holding your copy of ‘The 7 Easy Steps’ will go a long way towards giving you the credibility you need to attract attendees in the first place.
Also, all the online places I promote you (Facebook, my website, Google Plus) will enhance your standing as well as giving you places to advertise your webinar.