Sometimes it just makes sense to see if there is a cheaper and better way with your home loan, credit cards, store cards and car loan, in fact any kind of loan really.

And if there is a cheaper and better way, it will be different for each of us, which means it probably won’t be a case of “one size fits all.”

Think of it like this. We all experience events that change our lives but most of us don’t give a second thought to changing the things that help us to enjoy our lives.

So if you’ve changed your work or your income, got married or unmarried, had some kids, bought a car or furniture, been bewildered by the “credit crunch”, simply changed your aspirations or just maxed out your credit card because it was necessary at the time…it’s probably worth checking to see if a restructure of your home loan, car loan and credit cards would make life a little easier and more enjoyable.

That’s where I come in.

It doesn’t cost anything to find out and usually only takes a few minutes to see if a bit of loan restructuring or debt consolidation would be good for you. The least I can do is point you in the right direction and the privacy act ensures our conversation is entirely confidential.

What do you think?

Got to be worth a phone call…

Alternatively, you could even just fill out this form and fax or email it to me and then I’ll get back to you with some ideas.