Just like our health, our finances can do with a little check-up from time to time. Circumstances change – new job, new home, a partner or children – or we get caught up in the hurly-burly of life and lose touch with our finances.

Thankfully, the Federal Government’s MoneySmart program has created a handy online tool for all of us in need of a fiscal pulse check.

The Money Health Check helps you get back to basics by looking at your circumstances and financial goals and helping you with strategies to reach them. The questions are straight forward and will prompt you to consider some of the financial red flags you may not be aware of, or perhaps prefer to ignore!

The Money Health Check will help you take a global view of your finances – from regular budgeting to debt reduction, retirement and estate planning. It also highlights the value of protecting your assets once you have them.

Consider this your money GP, where you can get an overall check-up, identify any issues and get the information you need for further action, if required. The aim is to help Australians be more financially resilient for the long haul.

Don’t put it off – get your Money Health Check today at www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculators-and-tools/money-health-check